Health & Medicine

Clinical data Analysis

Search, filter, extract and analyze historical clinical trials data. Create SLRs adhering to PRISMA standards

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Analyze all medical studies data all at once place

The platform provides individuals, researchers, and companies in analyzing research data, drugs and competitive analysis.
Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

Our continous integration pipeline paired with our custom NLP engine helps in minind drug information, dosages and composition.

Analysis and Reports

Analysis and Reports

Use our software to do your analaysis and with once click you can make it part of your Systematic Literature Review (SLRs)

Visual Data

Visual Data

Look at clinical data in a perspective. Aggregated data with ability to export as graphs and charts, or just present it right from exmplr.

Try Live Demo API

Enter the interventions for your clinical trial study and get modeled data.

Drug Placebo
Drug Nerispirdine
Strength 50 mg
Strength 100 mg
Strength 200 mg

How it Works?

Our continuous integration pipeline paired along with a custom NLP modeling engine extracts and structures all clinical trial data for extensive searchability and helps in extracting insights.
Clinical Trials Flow

Organize Your Clinical Research

Explore the real world clinical studies data in a structured way to improve your research.

Clinical Trials Platform provides a unique approach to structure the unstructured clinical studies data using Machine Learning and AI.

It also provides insights into this data that’s never seen before, helping companies to fast-track their drug studies or drug development programs.

See how Clinical Trials Platform can help you.

  • Holistic Data
    Holistic clinical trials data

    Aggregating data from all clinical studies provides a new perspective in disease analysis

  • Analyze and publish research report faster
    Analyze and publish research report faster

    Export study outcomes, intervention KPIs, demographics with ease. Integrated SLR generation included.

  • Fast track drug discovery and development
    Fast track drug discovery and development

    No more manual data extraction. Use Exmplr to fast track the development of drugs.

  • Competitive analysis of existing drug
    Competitive analysis of existing drug

    Competitive drug analaysis is now at your finger tips. Drug usage, dosages, composition is now included.